Anna Slama and Marek Delong

Curated by Daniel Hüttler

At Karpuchina Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic

March 03 — May 08, 2022

“ Nostalgia is not merely an expression of local longing, but of the result of a new understanding of time and space that made the division into ‘local’ and ‘universal’ possible.” Svetlana Boym


“ Some experiences liberate us from time constrains. They elevate our bodies to a state of inconsistency, a plane where time passes at a different speed and weight becomes more relative. Sometimes we levitate, sometimes we fall, but these experiences can open windows in our perceptions through which we can cherish shattered fragments of memory for what they are. ‘Maglev’ is an assemblage of fleeting impressions of vanishing time: memories, faces, phases, stations and delays.


Encounters, situations and events always affect the way we perceive the environments that surround us. We adapt new methods to make sense of novel emotions and arousals and when confronted with unknown dynamics or systems, we adopt “change” to recalibrate our comfort. This liminal experiences can go as far as to dilate our perceptions of time and space. Think about how time passes faster in good company or how short life seems when thinking about the past, but also try to imagine how time slows down in a car accident, a free fall or during a beautiful sunset.


Try to remember a sunny day with a clear sky. Try to remember the sun getting bigger and bigger the closer it got to the horizon. Imagine seeing this from the inside of a train, how fast the train seems when you focus on the nearby houses racing by so fast that your eyes could not see anything else than their vague shape. Imagine how while the optics at the end of your sight begin to rip the sun apart, you experience a warmth reminding you that time has passed through you.


The sun is gone, you are in a transport that cuts time in half and quarters; collapsing different timezones and latitudes into the human bodies it absorbs and vomits from station to station. It is in moments like this where and when time become physical. What remains are artefacts and memories.


It is difficult to reconstruct the experiences that made us that who we are and brought us to where we are at this time and place, but leaping from fragments to fragments with a love for details over symbols could be a fair start. “

— Daniel Hüttler

Maglev I-III (train), wood, resin, wool, concrete, 100x30x148, 100x30x130, 100x30x143 cm, 2022
Scent of rain, wood, resin, charcoal on paper, clockwork, 59x2x310 cm, 2022
Scent of rain, wood, resin, charcoal on paper, clockwork, 59x2x310 cm, 2022 -detail
Anna Sláma & Marek Delong_MAGLEV
Anna Sláma & Marek Delong_MAGLEV
Anna Sláma & Marek Delong_MAGLEV
Wait for me at the edge, wood, resin, charcoal on paper, clockwork, 58x2x242 cm, 2022
Wait for me at the edge, wood, resin, charcoal on paper, clockwork, 58x2x242 cm, 2022
Wait for me at the edge, material_ drevo, pryskyrice, uhel na papire, hodinarsky strojek 58x2x242 cm, 2022 - detail
Lingering in the wind, wood, resin, charcoal on paper, clockwork, 40x 2x 242 cm, 2022
To your Eternity II, wood, resin, wool, concrete, 195x35x35 cm, 2022
To your Eternity II, wood, resin, wool, concrete, 195x35x35 cm, 2022 - detail
To your Eternity II, drevo, pryskyrice, vlna, beton, 195x35x35 cm, 2022 - detail
To Your Eternity I, wood, wool, resin, concrete, 195 x 30 x 30cm, 2022
To Your Eternity I, wood, wool, resin, concrete, 195 x 30 x 30cm, 2022 - detail
o Your Eternity I & Intermission before act one
Intermission before act two, wood, wool, acrylic, foam, self-hardening clay, textile, 115x40x100 cm, 2020
Intermission before act one, wood, wool, acrylic, foam, self-hardening clay, textile, 115x40x100, 2020 -detail

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