December 28, 2023

The Age of Cataracts

Piotr Mlącki @Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
November 24, 2023 — January 16, 2024

The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
For the denizens of Lisbon the 1st of November 1755 was to be spent paying respects to their dead by participating in one of the most important Catholic Church celebrations. At 9:40 as everyone was already participating in the mass, an earthquake began. The imposing church towers caved in at the foundations and were the first to fall, burying thousands of people underneath. Mere moments later a colossal tsunami emerged from the ocean, devouring hordes of terrified believers. Finally there came the fires which consumed the ruins of the city. On that day an inconceivable apocalypse leveled the city, killing tens of thousands of its inhabitants in the process. People would ponder the matter of why would God in his wisdom punish the city. After all, the Lisbon of the time was renowned for its piety and having resisted the reformation and religious wars it stood as the bastion of Catholicism. This tragedy echoed throughout 18th century Europe. Voltaire wrote about it in his Poem on the Lisbon Disaster in which he dared to ask that question that was on everyone’s mind: “Why Lisbon?”. The answer was not the divine, punishing will, but a natural disaster. Its reasons were not to be found in sin but in the falsity of the world order of that time, built on the shaky foundations of imaginings and magical thinking. Both the text and the earthquake itself made significant contributions to the establishment of enlightenment thought and laid the groundwork for human and citizen rights, emancipation, the development of scientific reasoning or the questioning of the feudal system. Lisbon was built anew, in accordance with new ways of thinking, by marquis de Bombal, one of the greatest heroes of Portugal known today as the creator of the first methods of crisis management.

The second decade of the 21st century is a time in a similar crisis to that of the mid-18th century. Then it was the religious worldview and systems of labor based on feudalism that were ripping at the seams, the ways of understanding reality of that time were coming out of joint, towers fell, burying corpse after corpse. The Age of Enlightenment secured the victory of countless rights and led to a widespread emancipation of numerous social groups. However it did not end and is still present in the minds of people and the way they live. The processes which pushed the world forward 300 years ago might not be fit to do the same today. When observing our quotidian surroundings we can see the hierarchical, patriarchal and capitalist system based on the distribution of fear derailing, the scorched forests and rivers flowing with poison, the race to produce information that encloses each of us in alienated bubbles. We have arrived at the boundary line of certain modes of thought. Utilitarianism, profit, industrialization, progress, the individuation of experience – all of these paradigms are coming undone.
The works of Piotr Mlącki tell the story of the inevitable need to build a new world that one cannot remain indifferent to. They speak to the necessity of being grounded in history. Of identifying past solutions, both good and useful ones as well as those bad and harmful. It is a story of the need for every emancipatory movement to be updated and modified in the face of constantly evolving circumstances.

The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
The Age of Cataracts, Piotr Mlącki, Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań

The Age of Cataracts
Piotr Mlącki

Galeria Łęctwo, Poznań
November 24, 2023 — January 16, 2024

Curation: Małgorzata Król

Photography: All images copyright and courtesy of the artists and gallery

Piotr Mlącki (born 1996), Master of Arts, graduate of the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. Laureate of the 2023 Grand Prix II Biennale Lubelska Wiosna, finalist of the 20th edition of the Hestia Artistic Journey (2021), recipient of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage scholarship (2021). Painter, sculptor, researcher, socialist, amateur astronomer, history, geology and terrarium art enthusiast.

O FLUXO is an online platform for contemporary art.
EST. Lisbon 2010

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