YOU CAN WIN THE BATTLE BUT YOU CAN’T WIN THE WAR (I have to be totally flawed or I have to be totally floored)

Bora Akinciturk and Iain Ball

At Jacob Kroon, Worthing, UK

February 01— 23, 2020

In Buddhism, the term anattā means ‘not self’, referring to the idea that there is no consistent self. Theories of mind point to consciousness being something which is emergent, even existing many worlds interpretation of quantum physics is currently looking to be one of the best models we have for what the hell is going on with fundamental reality. THAT means we are constantly splitting off into different versions of ourselves in different branches of the  function (!whutt!). We are literally not the same entity we were five years ago, or five days ago, or five minutes ago. Sure, you can’t exactly use this as an excuse if you’ve robbed a Starbucks, or whatever. But it’s interesting, aint it. Like woah, what are we? – Some kind of self aware (not entirely self aware actually but…) ever changing indeterminate vibrating arrangement of energy grouped together under the same identity cluster? YE!

And in that regard we hereby present ghost artefacts from various sub branches of the universal wave function…

Installation view
Bora Akinciturk - Warp Drive, 2019, oil on canvas, single french fry
Installation view
Bora Akinciturk - Origin Story, 2017, 3D engraved crystal, plastic fish bowl, maggots, led lamps
Bora Akinciturk - Origin Story, 2017, 3D engraved crystal, plastic fish bowl, maggots, led lamps
Iain Ball - I AM NOT ME ANYMORE, 2019, UV Print on acrylic sheet
Installation view
Iain Ball - Җ, 2011/2020, iPhone, incense of Abramelin
Iain Ball - Җ, 2011/2020, iPhone, incense of Abramelin
Iain Ball - Җ, 2011/2020, iPhone, incense of Abramelin
Iain Ball - Crisis, 2007, Video
Installation view
Bora Akinciturk - F, 2018, pen and pencil on paper, maggots

YOU CAN WIN THE BATTLE BUT YOU CAN’T WIN THE WAR (I have to be totally flawed or I
have to be totally floored)
Bora Akinciturk and Iain Ball


At Jacob Kroon, Worthing, UK
February 1 — 23, 2020


Jacob Kroon

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